New Augmented Reality App Enables Collaborative Learning

Nia Bauder


Augmented reality is a new frontier for education. AR is interactive, personal and memorable. Augmented reality provides an ideal way to engage students in a variety of learning activities. Augmented reality is more than just 3D games and virtual reality – it has many other uses in the classroom. The math classroom can benefit from augmented reality in multiple ways

Augmented reality is a new frontier for education.

Augmented reality is a new frontier for education. It’s not just about learning from books, but also about learning with other people and in real-world settings that you can explore with your own eyes. In this way, AR is more interactive than traditional learning methods–you can manipulate objects around you as if they were really there; you can touch them, feel them and even smell them (if they’re scented). You’ll find yourself remembering things better because they’re more personal to your experience–and even when they aren’t actually happening right now!

AR is interactive, personal and memorable.

Augmented reality is interactive, personal and memorable.

Interactive – AR allows you to experience the world around you in a new way. It’s an exciting way for students to learn about the world around them by making it come alive with information about their surroundings. Students can use augmented reality apps on their phones or tablets (or even computers) to bring historical sites or local landmarks into their classroom through virtual tours or educational games that teach them more about what they see in front of them.

Personal – Augmented reality allows for individualized learning experiences because each student has access not only to what’s happening in class but also relevant information based on where he or she happens to be standing at any given moment during an excursion outside of school grounds: “Oh look! There’s an owl flying overhead; let me pull up some facts about owls on my phone.”

Augmented reality provides an ideal way to engage students in a variety of learning activities.

Augmented reality is a new frontier for education. It’s more than just 3D games, it can be used to teach math and other subjects in the classroom. Using an app like Math AR has many benefits, such as:

  • The ability to interact with your surroundings in real-time by overlaying information on top of them (like with the camera). This provides an ideal way for students to understand concepts because they are able to see how everything fits together visually before being asked questions about it.
  • Augmented reality allows students who may struggle with reading or writing due to learning disabilities or other issues an alternate method through which they can process information more effectively than just reading out loud from a textbook or paper — which could be difficult depending on their condition!

Augmented reality is more than just 3D games and virtual reality – it has many other uses in the classroom.

Augmented reality is more than just 3D games and virtual reality – it has many other uses in the classroom.

AR can be used to teach students about the world around them. For example, by using an AR app on your smartphone you can point at a building and learn all about its history, or identify different types of trees by pointing at them.

AR can also be used to teach students about past events such as wars or natural disasters that occurred many years ago (for example Hurricane Katrina). You could even use an AR app to show how people lived during these times by pointing at an old house or town hall where they once stood before being destroyed by war/flooding etc..

The math classroom can benefit from augmented reality in multiple ways.

Augmented reality can be used to make learning more interactive, engaging and fun. It’s a great way for students to visualize math concepts and retain information for longer.

In the classroom, augmented reality can be used as an effective tool for collaborative learning. Students can work together on projects that require them to use their imaginations and problem-solving skills while working through challenges together — all while having fun!

Augmented reality is a fantastic tool for teachers and students because it blends the real world with technology, making it more interesting for your learners and helping them retain information for longer

Augmented reality is a fantastic tool for teachers and students because it blends the real world with technology, making it more interesting for your learners and helping them retain information for longer.

In the classroom, this means that learning becomes interactive, personalised and memorable. It’s also a great way to engage students in a variety of learning activities – whether you’re using AR to teach maths or science or as part of an art project!

Augmented reality has many uses beyond 3D games and virtual reality – it can be used in any subject area where there’s something physical being taught (such as mathematics). The math classroom can benefit from AR in multiple ways:


The possibilities for augmented reality are endless, but one thing is certain: this technology will change the way we learn. It’s up to teachers like you to harness its power and use it in innovative ways that engage students and make learning more fun than ever before!

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