Big Data Brain-Eating Zombies In A Nutshell

Nia Bauder


Machine Learning is the science behind AI. It’s a type of software that uses algorithms to learn from data and then make predictions. Machine Learning can be used to train computers to classify objects, predict consumer behavior, and even respond to questions with natural language processing. It’s amazing, but it’s also scary! What if this technology gets out of hand? Will we all be eaten by brain-eating zombies? In this article we’ll explore these questions in detail so that you can better understand how machine learning works and what it means for our future as humans (and maybe zombies).

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) and, like all forms of AI, it’s the ability for computers to learn without being explicitly programmed.

Machine learning uses algorithms to parse data and make predictions based on patterns in the information they’ve gathered. In other words, machine learning allows programs to “think” like humans do–by using logic and reasoning rather than being explicitly programmed with instructions for every possible scenario. In practice, this means that if you give a program enough information about something–say, images from Google Street View or your credit card history–it will be able to predict how likely it is that you’ll pay back any given debt or buy another pair of shoes online before even asking you any questions! This can be very useful in many different fields: medicine (predicting which patients are likely candidates for certain diseases), finance (predicting whether someone will default on their loan), gaming…

There are two main types of machine learning: supervised and unsupervised learning; but both involve feeding large amounts of data into specialized algorithms so those programs can learn from their surroundings without human intervention.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is a machine that mimics human thought. It can be used to solve problems, improve human life and make money. AI is also good at other things like making coffee or entertaining you with jokes that aren’t funny at all but still get laughs because they are so dumb.

AI has been around since the 1950s when scientists first created computers that could think like humans do (sort of). Today there are many different types of AI such as:

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning and neural networks that use multi-layered artificial neural networks to perform tasks such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing.

Neural networks were inspired by the human brain’s structure and function; they’re modeled after neurons in our brains that process information by passing signals between one another through synapses. These connections are weighted (meaning they have a value attached to them), which allows these systems to learn new things as they go along.

What is it?

You are probably familiar with the concept of artificial intelligence (AI). This is a broad term for any technology that can think and act like a human being. We’re not quite there yet, but many people have already seen some pretty impressive examples of AI in action.

Machine learning is one type of AI that has become popular recently because it allows computers to learn from large amounts of data without needing humans to program them first–it’s kind of like learning how to play chess by playing against yourself over and over again until you get better at it!

With machine learning you feed your computer lots of examples in order for it to figure out what kind of output should come out when given certain inputs; then once your computer has been trained on enough data points this process becomes more automated so that new input doesn’t require new programming every time something changes (i.e., if someone moves their queen across the board during their turn).

How does it work?

Big Data is a big deal. It’s the sum of all the digital data created every day–and it’s growing rapidly. It makes sense that we would want to know more about this information, which is why we’re seeing an increase in machine learning applications.

Machine learning uses computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed, enabling them to make predictions based on what they’ve learned so far. For example: if you have a list of sales figures dating back several years and want your sales team (or software) to predict how many units will be sold next week based on historical trends, then machine learning can help automate this process by making educated guesses based on what it knows thus far about sales behavior over time periods similar enough for comparison purposes but different enough from each other as well

Machine learning algorithms are used in many fields today including finance where they’re used for risk management purposes such as determining whether or not someone should be approved for credit card usage based on factors like income level or age range; healthcare where doctors have access through mobile devices such as tablets so they can consult with colleagues remotely rather than having face-to-face meetings only when necessary (which means less overhead costs); agriculture where drones fly overhead spraying crops with pesticides only when needed because otherwise pests might attack before harvest time arrives later this summer!

Uses for machine learning in the real world.

Machine learning is used in many places, including medicine and finance. It’s also used in applications like self-driving cars and fraud detection.

It can be applied to industries like retail or healthcare.

The science behind AI is amazing and exciting.

AI is a branch of computer science that deals with the design, creation and implementation of intelligent agents. These agents are capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence.

AI has been around for decades but only recently did it become mainstream thanks to advancements in hardware and software technology (e.g., GPUs). The most popular use cases include image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing (NLP), machine translation (MT) as well as computer vision applications like facial recognition or object detection/recognition systems for autonomous vehicles.

Machine learning (ML) is also part of AI since it’s used by machines to learn from data without being explicitly programmed; instead they’re trained on past experiences so they can predict future outcomes based on what they’ve learned before – all while improving their performance over time!


I hope you enjoyed this journey through the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning. It’s an exciting field, with many applications in our everyday lives. With the help of machines, we can do things like predict weather patterns, detect cancer before it spreads or even avoid traffic jams on our way to work! But as always with new technology there are risks involved too–for example, if someone hacks into your phone or computer they could access private information like passwords or photos stored on there. This means that we need to be vigilant about how much data companies collect from us online as well as how securely they store it all

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