What Is Data Analytics? An Interview With 7 Experts

Nia Bauder


The cloud is rapidly transforming the way businesses use data analytics. That’s because cloud-based platforms make it easy to take advantage of machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and other technologies that drive more intelligent decision-making. But what exactly is data analytics, anyway? And how does it impact business decisions? Let’s find out.

What is data analytics?

Data analytics is the process of extracting insights from data. It’s used to uncover hidden patterns and make better decisions, which can lead to more effective business strategies and marketing campaigns. But what exactly does that mean?

Data Analytics vs Big Data

Data analytics refers to analyzing large amounts of structured data–like sales figures or customer information–to find new insights about how your company operates or what customers are looking for. This type of analysis helps you make informed decisions about your business, such as choosing which products should be featured on your website or determining where to open up new stores based on population growth trends within a certain radius.

Big data refers to unstructured information such as social media posts, videos or photos that don’t fit neatly into traditional databases (think: text messages between friends). While it’s often referred to as “big” because there’s so much available at once (e.g., everyone posting photos online), there isn’t really any limit on how much information could be collected through these channels; thus making them incredibly valuable resources when trying understand consumer behavior patterns over time.”

How does data analytics impact business decisions?

Data analytics can help businesses make smarter decisions. It helps them make more informed decisions, and it also helps them make better decisions. In fact, the data-driven approach is becoming the norm for most organizations in today’s digital age because it gives them access to insights that were previously hidden or hard-to-find–and those insights are often needed in order for businesses to succeed (or even survive).

When you’re thinking about how data analytics impacts business decisions, consider these questions:

  • How does your company use data analytics? What kind of information do you want from it? How does this information impact your business strategy and future plans?
  • What types of tools do you currently use for analyzing data? Are these tools useful enough for making smart decisions based on real numbers rather than just guesses or gut feelings alone?

How does data analytics help organizations improve their results?

Data analytics can help organizations improve their results by providing insights into how to improve their business processes. The data analytics process is iterative, so it can be used to provide insights into how to improve the business process over time.

Data analytics is an important tool for businesses today because it helps them make better decisions about everything from marketing campaigns and product development to finance and human resources.

Can you explain the difference between data analytics and big data?

Data analytics is the process of using data to make business decisions. Big data is the volume of information that can be analyzed, but it’s up to you to figure out what you need to know from all that information.

There are many other terms used for this type of work–data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence–but they’re all part of the same discipline: using computers and software programs for analysis purposes. Data analytics is about analyzing large amounts of structured or unstructured data so that we can make better business decisions based on what we learn from them

What are the benefits of using a cloud-based platform for your data analytics?

  • Cloud-based platforms are easy to use.
  • Cloud-based platforms are scalable.
  • Cloud-based platforms are secure.
  • Cloud-based platforms are cost effective

Are there any downsides to using a cloud-based platform for your data analytics?

There are a few downsides to using cloud-based platforms for your data analytics. First, it can be expensive. Cloud providers typically charge by the gigabyte and/or by the hour, so if you don’t have much data or need to run quick queries that don’t require much processing power, this could add up quickly. Second, security is always a concern when sending sensitive information over the Internet–and especially when storing it on someone else’s servers! Thirdly (and relatedly), while some cloud services may offer encryption options at no extra cost or with minimal cost overhead in terms of performance degradation during encryption/decryption operations (e.g., Amazon Redshift), others do not (e.g., Google BigQuery). Finally–and perhaps most significantly–you might find yourself needing skillsets that aren’t yet widely available among today’s workforce: namely those relating specifically toward managing large volumes of unstructured data generated from sources such as social media posts or emails sent between coworkers within organizations themselves.”

What kinds of business challenges are best solved with the help of a cloud-based platform for your data analytics?

Data analytics is a powerful tool, but it’s not the right fit for every business. If you’re having trouble managing your data or if you lack the resources to process it on your own, a cloud-based platform may be able to help.

The benefits of using such a platform include:

  • Accessibility: You can access your data from anywhere and at any time–even if you don’t have technical expertise in data analytics.
  • Security: Your information is secure because it’s stored on servers that are housed offsite rather than on your own hardware or networked computers (which makes them vulnerable).

The real power behind big data comes from having an expert team that understands how to apply it.

The real power behind big data comes from having an expert team that understands how to apply it.

When we talk about “big data,” we’re not just talking about a bunch of numbers. We’re talking about information and insights that can be used to help you make better decisions and drive business results. That’s why it’s important to have a team that knows what they’re doing when it comes to using these types of technologies (and how best to do so).


Data analytics is a powerful tool for businesses, but it’s one that needs to be used properly. If you want to make sure your organization is getting the most out of its data analytics tools, it’s important to have an expert team on hand who knows how to apply them effectively.

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