Blockchain Technology Explained—A Step-By-Step Guide

Nia Bauder


Blockchain technology is an extremely powerful tool. In fact, if you’re looking to buy into a cryptocurrency or invest in a company that uses blockchain technology, it’s crucial that you understand how the underlying tech works—and what makes it so special. So we’ve teamed up with our friends at CoinDesk to explain the basics of this exciting new invention.

What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain is a distributed ledger. It’s a database that stores records of digital transactions and is decentralized, meaning it isn’t controlled by any single entity. The technology was first introduced in 2008 with the release of Bitcoin, but it has since been adapted for other uses.

The blockchain works as an immutable record of all transactions that take place on its network. Each block contains information about the previous block (hence the name), forming an unbroken chain going all the way back to when the system was started–or “genesis”ed–and thus creating a permanent record of all activity on that particular blockchain over time

How does it work?

The blockchain is a decentralized database that stores information on transactions made between two parties. These transactions are stored in blocks, which are connected to each other using cryptography to make sure that only authorized parties can view them. This makes the blockchain secure, transparent and immutable (i.e., unable to be changed).

The way this works is simple: Every time someone wants to add data onto the chain–and thus create another block–they must solve complex math problems before they can do so; this process is called mining because it requires miners (people) who use their computers’ processing power to solve these problems as part of an incentive system created by developers when they created cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.[1]

Who invented blockchain technology?

If you’ve done any research on blockchain, you’ve undoubtedly run into the name Satoshi Nakamoto. But who is this mysterious man?

Nakamoto is not a real person–he’s just a pseudonym for the anonymous inventor(s) of bitcoin and its underlying technology: the blockchain. The identity of Nakamoto has never been confirmed, although many people have tried to guess at it based on clues in his writings and public statements by those who knew him.

What are the benefits of blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology is secure, decentralized and transparent. The main benefit of this technology is that it allows data to be stored in an immutable way. This means that once something has been recorded on the blockchain it cannot be tampered with or deleted by anyone. Blockchain also provides users with anonymity as they don’t need to give their names or other personal details when they use it – making it ideal for people who want privacy while interacting online.

Blockchain technology can also be used as a payment system because transactions made through this platform are irreversible and cannot be falsified due to its decentralized nature (no central authority). Another important benefit of using blockchain is that it saves time since payments are processed immediately after confirmation by miners instead of waiting days before getting approved by banks like what happens with traditional payment systems today

How can we use blockchain tech to solve real-world problems?

As you may have surmised, blockchain technology is being used to solve many of the world’s real-world problems. The music industry has been one of the first industries to see a revolution as a result of blockchain technology by using it to create smart contracts and build their own digital rights management system.

The supply chain industry has also been experiencing a revolution thanks to blockchain technology which allows companies like Walmart and Alibaba to track food products from farm all the way through production, packaging and shipping until they reach your home or restaurant table.

Medical records are another area where we can expect big changes in 2019 as hospitals start adopting new ways of sharing medical records securely with patients over blockchain networks that keep them secure from hackers while allowing doctors access when needed without having access outside their organization (or even country).

Blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain technology can be used for many things. It can be used to verify the authenticity of documents, track the quality of products, manage the supply chain and verify identity.

The most popular use case for blockchain at this time is cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. But as we’ve seen in our discussion above, there are many other ways it can be applied as well!

What’s the future for blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies?

The future of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies is still uncertain. The technology is still in its early stages, but there are many potential uses for it in the real world. For example, blockchain could be used to help solve real-world problems like food safety or cybersecurity by keeping records more secure and accurate.

In addition to these practical uses for blockchain technology, businesses are starting to adopt it because they see how this new way of doing things will save them money on transaction fees–and even make them more profitable overall! If you own your own business or work at one that deals with money transactions on a regular basis (such as an ecommerce site), then you may want to consider using some type of cryptocurrency instead of fiat currency like dollars or euros because they offer lower fees than credit cards do while also giving consumers more control over their personal information when making purchases online

Blockchain technology has a lot of potential, but it’s still in its early stages.

Blockchain is still in its early stages, and there are many applications for the technology. It will be used for more than just cryptocurrency, which is only one of many use cases for blockchain technology. The future of blockchain looks bright!


Blockchain technology is still in its early stages, but it has a lot of potential to improve our lives. In this article, we looked at what blockchain is and how it works, as well as some of the benefits and challenges facing this new technology. We also explored some real-world examples where blockchain could be used today–from storing medical records securely in hospitals around the world to tracking international shipping containers across borders

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