Augmented Reality Isn’t Ready For The Real World

Nia Bauder


There’s a reason why we’re still not using augmented reality on a regular basis in the real world. Augmented reality is something that’s implemented in apps and games, but there are very few products available that can actually help you navigate your everyday life. And that should be expected: after all, this technology is still in its infancy. We’ve seen some incredible examples of what AR can do, but it hasn’t quite lived up to the hype yet. Here are some reasons why:

It’s not just that the technology doesn’t quite exist yet.

There are some hurdles to be overcome before augmented reality can become a part of our everyday lives. The technology isn’t quite there yet, the hardware isn’t quite there yet and the software isn’t quite there yet either. And then you have to consider applications that can make use of this new technology in a way that makes sense for your business or brand – something that’s particularly tricky when it comes to AR experiences because they’re still so new and untested in terms of what makes them relevant or useful for consumers.

The most promising AR projects are still in development and not many people have tried them yet.

The most promising AR projects are still in development and not many people have tried them yet. Microsoft HoloLens, Google Glass and Facebook Oculus Rift are just a few of the devices that have been released over the years. The Epson Moverio BT-100 is another example of an AR headset that’s available for purchase now, but it doesn’t do as much as some of its competitors.

The Vuzix M100 Smart Glasses offer something different with their high-quality display screens and motion tracking technology (as well as other features). However, they’re still too expensive for most people at $1,000 per pair — so unless you’re willing to spend big bucks on your next pair of shades or sunglasses (or maybe even just goggles), there won’t be much point in getting excited about these specs just yet!

It’s hard for augmented reality to live up to the hype.

The truth is that we don’t know how people will react to augmented reality. It’s a new technology, and it’s impossible to predict what will happen when you bring something unfamiliar into the world. We can guess that people will be skeptical at first, but also excited about what might come next.

The problem comes when companies try to sell us on the idea that AR is already here–like Snap did with its Spectacles camera glasses–or when they say they’re going to make our lives better in some way (for example: “We’ll help you find your car in a parking lot”). But these claims are based on assumptions about how consumers will behave once they have access to this technology; these assumptions may not match up with reality once devices like Google Glass become more common place.

There are plenty of examples where augmented reality does work well.

There are plenty of examples where augmented reality does work well. The Hololens is a perfect example of how AR can be used in the real world, and it’s only going to get better as more developers work on improving the technology.

Microsoft HoloLens is an example of a truly impressive piece of tech that has a ton of potential uses, but there aren’t many applications available yet.

Microsoft HoloLens is an example of a truly impressive piece of tech that has a ton of potential uses, but there aren’t many applications available yet.

HoloLens is basically a headset that allows you to see virtual objects in the real world. It’s like having your own personal holodeck from Star Trek–but with only one person allowed at a time!

The idea behind augmented reality (AR) is that it will make our lives easier by giving us more information about our surroundings and helping us interact with technology in new ways. The problem with this idea right now is that there are very few people who can actually use AR because they don’t have access to devices like HoloLens or Google Glasses (which also fall under this category).

Augmented reality has some amazing potential but it’s not ready for mainstream use yet

Augmented reality has some amazing potential, but it’s not ready for mainstream use yet. The technology just isn’t there yet, and the most promising AR projects are still in development and haven’t been tried by many people.

I’m not saying that this will never happen–it may be possible in a few years. But right now, you shouldn’t expect an AR headset that can do everything you want it to (like let you play games or watch movies) at home on your couch while sitting on your favorite chair.


Augmented reality has a lot of potential, but it’s not quite ready for mainstream use yet. The technology is still being developed and there aren’t many applications available yet. There are plenty of examples where augmented reality does work well though–Microsoft HoloLens is an example of a truly impressive piece of tech that has a ton of potential uses but there aren’t many applications available yet

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