A Definition Of Edge Computing

Nia Bauder


The term “edge” has multiple meanings and can be used in many different contexts depending on who you ask. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of edge computing and its relationship to other terms like fog computing and cloudlets—all while understanding that there isn’t one single definition for edge computing yet.

Edge computing is an approach to the delivery of computing services to the network’s edge, which could be the network’s boundaries or at a remote location.

Edge computing is an approach to the delivery of computing services to the network’s edge, which could be the network’s boundaries or at a remote location.

Edge computing can be done at the network’s boundaries or a remote location. The network’s edge could be its boundaries or a remote location.

Edge computing is also known as fog computing, cloudlets or mobile edge computing (MEC).

Edge computing is also known as fog computing, cloudlets or mobile edge computing (MEC). The term “fog” refers to the foggy line between the edge of a network and its core.

Edge computing is a type of distributed computing that uses local processing power on devices near where data is generated or consumed, rather than sending all data across large distances through high-speed networks. This enables faster response times for applications like IoT sensors and provides better performance than cloud-based solutions because it doesn’t require constant connections to centralized servers in remote locations

The concept of edge computing was first introduced in 2010 by Cisco and AT&T as a way to extend the cloud beyond its typical boundaries.

Edge computing is a way to extend the cloud beyond its typical boundaries. It was first introduced in 2010 by Cisco and AT&T as a way to provide better services for mobile devices, but it has since evolved into a more general concept. Now, edge computing is used by many companies to solve problems related to scalability and latency when dealing with large amounts of data.

It was thought that this would allow companies to solve problems faster and more efficiently by moving computing resources closer to where they were needed.

Edge computing is a way to move computing resources closer to where they are needed. It’s done by moving them closer to the network’s edge, which can be at the boundaries or a remote location. This allows companies to solve problems faster and more efficiently by moving their data centers closer to where users’ devices are located, such as in an office building or home.

Edge computing was thought up in response to problems with traditional cloud computing: once you upload your information into the cloud it becomes difficult if not impossible for you as an individual user (or even company) access it again once it’s been sent up there; also because there are so many people uploading so much information all over Earth at any given time, this creates congestion on networks and slows down everything else trying get through too–not only do we need better ways of storing all this data but also better ways accessing it!

Today, almost all big technology companies are working on their own approaches to edge computing.

Today, almost all big technology companies are working on their own approaches to edge computing. Google has been doing research with its Cloud IoT Edge platform for years, Microsoft and Amazon have both announced plans for their own edge computing services, and even Apple has been reported as developing an edge data center in China.

So what’s driving this trend? As more people use smart devices and services that require real-time access to information (think self-driving cars), there is greater demand on the cloud infrastructure itself–and it needs to be able to process huge amounts of data quickly enough so that users don’t experience any latency issues when using these devices or applications. In order for this processing power not only exist but also scale up as needed without breaking the bank on infrastructure costs (which would be passed down onto consumers), companies need another option besides just relying solely on centralized cloud servers located far away from where most users actually live or work.

However, it’s important to understand that while there are various implementations of edge computing, there isn’t one definition for it yet.

However, it’s important to understand that while there are various implementations of edge computing, there isn’t one definition for it yet. The term “edge” is used in many contexts, and it can mean different things depending on the context.

For example:

  • In networking, an edge router is a router that sits at the edge of an organization’s network (on its border) and routes traffic between internal networks and external ones (e.g., Internet). This type of device can also be called a gateway or firewall/IPSec gateway if it performs other security functions as well as routing duties; however, these terms aren’t synonymous with “edge”–they’re just specific types of edges within networks themselves!
  • In computer science research circles where people talk about how we’ll build systems in future decades when computers become smarter than humans (a field called artificial intelligence), an “AI-enabled” device would be considered “edgy.” It uses artificial intelligence algorithms for tasks like speech recognition or face detection during operations like facial recognition authentication processes where no human intervention is required beyond initial setup instructions given by operators who know how to use them properly…but then again maybe not!

The term “edge” has multiple meanings and can be used in many different contexts depending on who you ask

The term “edge” has multiple meanings and can be used in many different contexts depending on who you ask. The most common definition of edge computing is a specific technology or approach to computing, where services are delivered at or near the network edge. This means that data processing happens close to where it’s generated (at the source) rather than sending everything back to central cloud servers for analysis.

Edge computing has also been defined as a location where computing services are delivered–for example, at an oil rig or hospital instead of being centralized in one place. Finally, some people think of edge as being synonymous with “boundary,” meaning any point between two systems that interact with each other (e.g., between the cloud and your smartphone).


The term “edge” has multiple meanings and can be used in many different contexts depending on who you ask. For example, some people will use it to refer specifically to the network’s edge (i.e., where it meets with the Internet), while others will use it more broadly as an all-encompassing term for anything that is not located within a data center or cloud environment (such as smartphones).

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