7 Things You Need To Know About Blockchain

Nia Bauder


Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, have been around for a few years now. However, the technology behind these currencies is still in its infancy. The blockchain technology that cryptocurrencies are based on was first described by Satoshi Nakamoto in his 2008 white paper on Bitcoin. Nowadays there is so much information about this revolutionary new technology that it’s hard to keep up with all of it! In this article we’ll discuss seven things you need to know about blockchain before jumping into the cryptocurrency space:

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a digital ledger that records transactions. Each transaction is stored in a block, which then gets added to the chain of previous transactions.

Blockchain technology is decentralized, meaning there’s no central server or authority controlling it and everyone can see what’s happening within the network. This makes it extremely secure because if one computer fails, the rest of the computers will continue to run and keep everything intact without any loss of data or disruption to service.

The information stored on blockchain cannot be changed; it’s immutable! This makes blockchains ideal for recording financial transactions because they cannot be altered after being validated by multiple parties (i.e., no one can change their bank balance). It also means you don’t need third parties like banks or governments to verify whether something has taken place–you just check out its entry on this public ledger (known as “proof-of-existence”).


Tokens are a new form of digital asset. They act as a unit of value that can be stored, transferred and traded on the blockchain. Tokens can represent any form of money, asset or utility. For example, if you buy an orange with a Token then that orange becomes part of your digital wallet in which you can trade it for other goods or services.

Proof of Work and Proof of Stake

Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) are two different ways to achieve consensus in a blockchain.

Bitcoin and Ethereum use PoW, while EOS and Cardano use PoS.

Multi-Sig Wallets

Multi-signature wallets require multiple people to sign off on transactions. This provides an extra layer of security, as it’s difficult for hackers or scammers to gain access without the approval of all parties involved. It also makes it harder for one person to take control over a cryptocurrency account and spend money without permission from the others who own that cryptocurrency.

If you’re interested in using a multi-signature wallet but don’t know where to start, there are several options available:


Decentralization is the key to blockchain technology. Blockchain networks are decentralized, meaning they do not rely on any central authority or single point of failure to function. This means that no one can control the system and transactions are transparently recorded in an immutable public ledger.

Scalability and Interoperability

  • Scalability: The ability to increase the number of transactions that can be processed.
  • Interoperability: The ability to communicate between different blockchains.

Blockchains are not interoperable at this time, but there are projects underway to make them interoperable.

Blockchain technology is becoming a popular way to buy and sell products.

Blockchain technology is becoming a popular way to buy and sell products. The technology is still new and evolving, but it has been around long enough that some companies have started to adopt it as a way of doing business.

Blockchain isn’t just a new form of currency–it’s actually the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum (and many others). In simple terms, blockchain is a distributed ledger that can be used to record transactions between two parties efficiently without needing an intermediary like a bank or government agency involved in verifying them.


Blockchain technology is becoming a popular way to buy and sell products. The ability to track the origin of goods, verify authenticity and ensure that customers are satisfied with their purchases makes this technology very appealing for luxury brands who want to stay ahead of their competition.

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