10 Surprising Limitations Of Augmented Reality

Nia Bauder


When I was a kid, the future was always going to be amazing. The Jetsons promised us flying cars and Rosie the robot maid; the Back to the Future franchise gave us hoverboards, self-tying shoes and bubblegum that tasted like pizza. But now it’s 2019, and we’re still waiting for these futuristic innovations. Why is that? Well, some people would say it’s because we don’t have enough funding for research into technologies like augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR). Others might blame political divisions in Congress or regulations from federal agencies like FDA—and there are certainly other factors at play here as well. But there’s another reason why some of our most exciting technologies aren’t available yet: limitations of current technology itself…

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) are often grouped together by the general public, but they are fundamentally different technologies that offer different experiences.

The two technologies are often grouped together by the general public, but they are fundamentally different. Augmented Reality (AR) is a digital overlay on the real world; Virtual Reality (VR) is a fully immersive computer-generated experience that blocks out the real world and replaces it with a digital one.

AR uses technology like Google Glass or Apple’s ARKit to add 3D images and animations into your field of vision–you can see them as if they were there in front of you! For example, if you were visiting an art gallery and wanted to find out more about one of the paintings on display: simply point your phone at it and start exploring!

Augmented reality is the application of a digital overlay to the real world in real-time.

A common misconception about augmented reality is that it’s a recorded experience. This is not the case. Augmented reality takes place in real time, so you can’t just watch a video or listen to audio and expect it to be augmented. You need an AR app or device to augment your surroundings!

That said, there are lots of different ways you can use AR–and here are some examples:

VR is a fully immersive computer-generated experience that blocks out the real world and replaces it with a digital one.

VR is a fully immersive computer-generated experience that blocks out the real world and replaces it with a digital one. It’s not limited by the laws of physics, so it can create a much more realistic experience than AR.

AR can be used for both gaming experiences and non-gaming applications such as medical training, manufacturing processes and education.

Augmented reality can be used for both gaming experiences and non-gaming applications such as medical training, manufacturing processes and education. AR is used in many industries, including education, manufacturing, engineering, medicine and others. AR can be used to improve productivity, safety and training.

The most common form of AR is an overlay of virtual objects onto a live video feed from the camera of your phone or tablet device through the use of specialized software.

The most common form of AR is an overlay of virtual objects onto a live video feed from the camera of your phone or tablet device through the use of specialized software. These virtual objects can be manipulated in real-time and viewed from different angles, making it possible for users to interact with them in various ways.

Augmented reality has a wide range of applications, from gaming experiences and non-gaming applications such as medical training, manufacturing processes and education.

The most common use for AR today is for interactive apps like Pokémon Go or Snapchat’s face filters.

The most common use for AR today is for interactive apps like Pokémon Go or Snapchat’s face filters.

Pokémon Go is a game that uses AR to let you find, capture, battle and train virtual creatures. The game was developed by Niantic Labs (which was originally part of Google) and released in July 2016 on iOS and Android devices. Since then it has been downloaded over 500 million times worldwide with more than 80 million active users per month as of May 2017. The game uses the phone’s camera to display animated monsters called Pokémon in real life locations such as parks or streetscapes (as seen above). You must physically walk around town looking for these Pokémon before you can catch them using your phone’s touchscreen controls – this allows players to interact with their environment while also making use of augmented reality technology!

Other uses include viewing interactive 3D models or viewing information about objects in front of you by pointing your camera at them and having data appear on screen (such as restaurant menus).

Augmented reality has many potential uses, and it’s still being developed. It’s not just for gaming; AR can be used in many applications.

  • It can be used to view interactive 3D models or viewing information about objects in front of you by pointing your camera at them and having data appear on screen (such as restaurant menus).
  • In the future, it will likely become even more common than VR because it doesn’t require any specialized equipment like expensive headsets or controllers–you can use any device that has a camera and runs on a modern operating system (iOS, Android)

AR provides real-time feedback so that users can wear headsets while learning how to perform tasks like surgery or programming robots without actually performing them in real life (which would be unsafe).

AR provides real-time feedback so that users can wear headsets while learning how to perform tasks like surgery or programming robots without actually performing them in real life (which would be unsafe). This is an especially useful feature for professionals who need to learn new skills on the job.

This technology also makes it possible for people who are visually impaired or have other disabilities that prevent them from doing things like reading a book or holding a pen. For example, if you’re blind and want to write something down but don’t have access to any paper or pens, Augmented Reality can project writing tools onto your hand so that you can write down what ever thoughts come into your head!

There are lots of amazing things you can do with augmented reality today!

Augmented reality is a technology that’s been around for years, but it’s only recently become popular. There are many different uses for AR, including gaming and non-gaming applications.

In fact, augmented reality is the best way to experience virtual worlds! If you want to learn more about what these technologies can do for you and your business–or if you just want some cool stuff–check out our website at www.arcompanyincorporated.com


Augmented reality is a technology that has the potential to change the way we live and work. It can be used for everything from improving medical training and education, to developing new gaming experiences that blend the real world with virtual objects. While there are still some limitations on what AR can do today, these will likely be overcome as the technology continues evolving at an exponential rate!

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