The Complete, Non-Techie Blockchain Guide

Nia Bauder


Blockchain technology is one of the most exciting innovations in recent years – and it’s only just getting started. The potential of blockchain is huge, and it’s already changing how we interact with each other and do business online. There are lots of articles out there on blockchain technology, but they’re often very technical or only focus on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In this guide, I’ll be explaining everything about blockchain in plain English so that anyone can understand what it is and why it matters so much for the future of our digital world.

The technology behind blockchain has the potential to be bigger than the internet

Blockchain has the potential to be bigger than the internet. The technology is still in its infancy, but it’s already being used in many industries and has the potential to change how we live and work.

The potential applications for blockchain are endless: from improving supply chain management at Walmart to helping refugees access aid money more easily via their smartphones. Here are some examples of how blockchain will impact your life in 2019:

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) that uses cryptography to create a permanent, public and verifiable record of transactions.

In short, it’s a database that’s shared across multiple sites, regions or institutions. But what makes blockchain unique is its decentralized nature–no single entity owns the data and everyone in the network has access to an exact copy of it at all times. This feature makes blockchains extremely secure from tampering by bad actors because once information has been added to the chain there’s no way for anyone else besides those who created it access it again without permission from those individuals who wrote down their private keys first time round!

How does it work?

The blockchain is a distributed ledger that records transactions between two parties. It’s designed to be secure and transparent, which means that anyone with access to the internet can see what’s going on in the network.

Every time someone wants to make a transaction, they send their desired amount of cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin) or digital assets (like tokens) along with some other information such as an address or timestamp through an open-source software application called a “wallet.” That transaction gets sent out across all computers within that network where miners confirm it by adding it onto their own copy of this shared public ledger–hence “distributed”–which becomes part of a new block added onto its previous block(s). This process keeps going until there are enough transactions on one single block so that there aren’t any more available spaces left for more new ones; at which point miners add another layer onto top called “proof-of-work” before moving on again toward completing another full set: four blocks total per ten minutes’ worth of activity (or less depending on how much activity takes place).

The upsides of decentralization

Decentralization is a simple idea, but it’s one that has profound implications for the future of our society. It means that there is no single authority and no single point of failure. Instead, power is distributed among many different individuals who each have their own interests and incentives to keep things running smoothly.

This approach has several benefits:

  • No single point of failure: If you want to see why this matters, just look at what happened with Facebook earlier this year when Cambridge Analytica got access to millions of users’ private data without permission–and then used it for political purposes (to help elect Donald Trump). The problem wasn’t just that someone was able to breach security protocols; it was also about how much control they had over all your information once they were in the system. With blockchain technology, there are multiple copies stored across many different servers or computers globally; as long as one copy remains intact then all other copies will remain intact as well! This means there’s no way anyone can tamper with any one file since there aren’t any centralized locations where all these records are kept together at once anyway – so if somebody wanted access then they’d need access rights from every single machine out there before anything could happen… which makes hacking extremely difficult indeed!

Why everyone should know about blockchain technology

Blockchain technology is the future of technology. The internet has changed the world, but it’s not the only thing that has done so. Blockchain offers a new way to collaborate and interact with each other, which means it can be used in many different fields.

To understand why everyone should know about blockchain technology, let’s look at how its development has progressed over time:

The future of blockchain and the apps we can expect to see in the near future.

Blockchain technology is the future of apps, and we’re already seeing some of the first applications emerge. Blockchain will be used in voting, smart contracts, supply chain management and more.

Blockchain is a secure way to store data that can’t be accessed by anyone but you. It’s like having your own private database on your phone or laptop–not even Apple (or any other company) can see it!

Blockchain is the most exciting invention since the internet.

Blockchain is a distributed ledger that makes it impossible to change data once it’s been recorded. It has the potential to disrupt many industries and change the world as we know it.

Blockchain was originally developed in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym), who published his white paper on Bitcoin in 2009. The idea behind blockchain is simple: instead of having one central database where all transactions are recorded, you break this up into blocks and distribute them across many different computers around the world so that no single entity controls all of your data or has access to every transaction you’ve ever made with other people or businesses. This makes it much harder for hackers to corrupt or steal information from blockchains than traditional databases because there isn’t any single point where they can attack from–they’d have to hack every node on a network simultaneously!


Blockchain has the potential to be bigger than the internet. It’s a revolutionary technology that will change the way we do business and interact with each other. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, it’s important that you understand what blockchain is and how it works.

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