How Edge Computing Services Reduce Latency

Nia Bauder


The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the world. We now live in a world where our phones, cars, homes, and workplaces are all connected to each other and the internet. But this increased connectivity comes with increased latency. The cloud is great for many applications because it offers a lot of computing power at relatively low cost. However, when you need real-time responses or millisecond accuracy, edge computing platforms can help reduce latency by bringing your processing closer to where data is generated. In this article we’ll discuss why this matters and how it might be implemented in your organization’s IoT solution.

Edge Computing and the Internet of Things (IoT)

Edge computing is a form of distributed computing, and it’s the perfect solution for your IoT application. As an example, let’s say you have an application that requires data from sensors in order to make decisions. If these sensors are located far away from the place where decisions are made, then there will be significant latency between when they send their information and when it gets processed–which can lead to poor decision making or even worse outcomes.

Edge computing reduces this latency by moving tasks closer to where they need to be performed; in our example above, edge computing would mean moving some aspects of decision making directly onto those devices themselves (rather than sending everything up into cloud servers). By doing so we reduce overall processing time because less distance needs to be covered over networks such as Internet Protocol (IP) networks or wireless communication systems like Wi-Fi

The Edge is Everywhere

Edge computing is a distributed computing model. In other words, it’s not just for the Internet of Things (IoT). It’s used in many industries including automotive, finance, healthcare and retail.

Edge Computing Services can reduce latency by leveraging the edge to make decisions on data before sending it back to the cloud or central processing unit (CPU). This allows you to avoid sending information over long distances if it doesn’t need to be there immediately–reducing your overall costs while increasing efficiency and performance of your business systems.

Latency and the Cloud

Latency is the time it takes for a message to travel between two points. When you’re working on the cloud, your data is stored in remote servers and accessed through the internet. This means there are multiple hops between you and your data–and each hop adds to that latency.

As you can imagine, this high-latency environment can cause problems when it comes to things like real-time analytics or AI applications that require fast responses from their backends. In fact, many organizations are now adopting edge computing services because they offer lower latency than their cloud counterparts

Reducing IoT Latency with Edge Computing

In a nutshell, edge computing is the process of moving data processing from centralized servers to local servers. This allows for more efficient use of resources and reduces latency by allowing data processing to take place closer to the source of data.

This is important for IoT because it means that companies can generate insights about their devices in real time without having to wait for them to be sent back through a cloud server first. If you’re running an operation with many different sensors across multiple locations or countries, this would allow you access all sorts of useful information quickly instead of waiting days or even weeks until it reaches you via traditional methods like Wi-Fi or cellular networks (which may have limited bandwidth).

A good example of IoT latency reduction is when a self-driving car encounters construction on a freeway. In this case, an edge computing platform can predict upcoming traffic and instruct the car to take an alternate route.

A good example of IoT latency reduction is when a self-driving car encounters construction on a freeway. In this case, an edge computing platform can predict upcoming traffic and instruct the car to take an alternate route.

Edge computing also helps with real-time navigation by processing data from sensors in real time (instead of waiting for it to be sent back to the cloud). The result is that self-driving cars can navigate around construction zones or avoid accidents by reacting quickly while still maintaining safety standards.


We see a lot of potential in edge computing and its ability to reduce IoT latency. The technology is still in its infancy but has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with the world around us. As more people adopt this new form of computing, we can expect more applications like those described above–from self-driving cars that take alternative routes when traffic gets bad to smart homes that know when someone needs help calling 911 because they fell down stairs without any human intervention at all!

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