5 Fixes Blockchain Network Virtualization Needs Now

Nia Bauder


The blockchain network is growing fast. This year, the number of blockchain daily transactions has increased by around 100 percent, with over 4 million blocks being added every day. If you’re running a blockchain network and you haven’t been keeping up with these developments, then it’s time to get your act together! Luckily for you, there are some new tools on the market that will help you handle this growth. In this article we’ll explore five of them: more efficient consensus algorithms; dynamic resource allocation; low-latency networking; multi-tenancy (multiple parties sharing access) and secure access; and virtual machine technology (VMs).

1. More efficient consensus algorithms

Consensus algorithms are the heart of blockchain networks. They ensure that all nodes agree on the same version of the data, so that no one can tamper with or corrupt it.

A consensus algorithm is essentially a way of reaching an agreement between all nodes on what happened during a given period of time. It’s important because it prevents malicious actors from changing certain kinds of information stored in a blockchain (like transaction histories).

2. Dynamic resource allocation

Blockchain technology is growing in popularity. However, it still has limitations that make it unsuitable for some applications. For example, blockchains can only process a limited number of transactions per second (TPS), which means they don’t scale well for high-volume environments such as financial trading and IoT operations.

Furthermore, each node on a blockchain network maintains its own copy of all transactions ever made on that network; if one node goes down or becomes unavailable for any reason–such as during an outage–this can lead to downtime across all other nodes connected to that same chain: no one else would be able to access them until it comes back online again. This creates unnecessary risk because if something happens with your company’s data center or cloud provider then there could potentially be serious repercussions due simply because they were using Blockchains!

3. Low-latency networking

Low latency is important for blockchain networks, but it’s also vital to many other applications. Gaming and financial services are two examples of industries where low latency is crucial, while enterprise applications such as IoT and AI also rely on fast network connections.

To ensure that you get the best possible performance from your blockchain network virtualization solution, you’ll need to make sure that it supports low-latency networking. The way this works depends on what kind of network topology your organization uses: if you’re using point-to-point connections between nodes (or even just one), then a dedicated channel will help reduce delays; if you’re using a shared medium such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi where multiple devices share the same bandwidth pooling resources across multiple computers improves throughput by reducing contention over resources like memory caches

4. Multi-tenancy and secure access

Multi-tenancy is the ability to host multiple clients on the same network. This is important for businesses that want to keep their data separate from other companies’ data, but also need access to certain services like cloud storage or computing power.

Secure access can be achieved through encryption keys and digital signatures that ensure only authorized users are able to access sensitive information.

5. Virtual machine technology (VMs)

Virtual machine technology (VMs) is a method of virtualizing physical hardware, which allows you to run multiple operating systems on one computer. It’s used in cloud computing because it allows for greater flexibility and scalability, but also because it makes it easier to migrate workloads between different types of hardware.

VMs can be used for blockchain networks as well: by isolating different components of the network from each other, VMs ensure that they won’t interfere with each other or slow down performance if they start competing for resources. For example, if there are two nodes running at once–one that’s mining cryptocurrency tokens and another that’s participating in smart contracts–the former will not affect how quickly transactions are processed by miners working on behalf of companies using blockchain technology.

Similarly, if someone wants their own private version of Ethereum (ETH), then all they have to do is create their own private instance using Docker containers or AWS EC2 instances instead of having access only through public instances such as Geth/Mist wallet servers.”

Blockchain networks will need new tools to handle the growth they’ve seen in recent years

Blockchain networks have grown exponentially in recent years. As they continue to do so, they will need new tools to handle the growth.

Blockchain networks are currently experiencing massive growth in terms of both users and transactions. Ethereum alone has seen its daily transaction volume increase from around 1 million per day two years ago to over 5 million today–and that’s just one example! These figures show how critical it is for blockchain platforms to be able to scale effectively as more people join their ecosystems, or else you risk losing customers who find themselves unable to use your service because of network issues like high fees or slow confirmation times.


The blockchain industry is growing fast, and it’s time for developers to rethink their approach to network virtualization. The current solutions aren’t cutting it anymore and new ones need to be developed. We believe that these five fixes will help the industry move forward and continue its growth into the future.

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